Photography Courses

21 Jan    10.30am – 12.30    Understanding Your Camera                    £25
An essential guide to photography, ideal for both beginners and those wishing to refresh their camera skills. During this friendly, informal morning session Richard will explain (in straightforward, jargon free terms!) how to understand your digital camera fully and how to make it work for you. 
 Ideal for getting to grips with new cameras received for Christmas (or snapped up in the January sales)

(A digital SLR, hybrid or high end compact camera are required)

18 Feb  10.30am – 12.30      Portraiture Techniques (includes model)            £65

 During this one day intensive course you will cover various aspects of studio portrait photography including the technical and creative aspects of studio lighting and composition.

The course will teach you how to work with  different lighting settings to create various and creative lighting effects .  The course will also cover how to work with a model, the tips and tricks to get the best out of your subject.

We also cover post editing techniques to enhance your images and monitor calibration to ensure you are viewing them correctly on screen before you send your images to print.

(Suitable for persons with a good working knowledge of shutter speed and apertures.)

17 Mar       10am  - 1pm        Digital Darkroom                          £35
How to get your image into Photoshop/Sagelight, understanding filing and naming of your images.  Simple enhancement techniques some of the more popular features.
Photo: Ian Morton

21 Apr                        Full day    Landscape Photography                            £60
Through a series of location practicals this session will look at :
  • ·         the creative composition to be found in the landscape,
  • ·         understanding how light effects the subject, the use of  appropriate focal lengths for the scene,
  • ·         working with manual exposures, long exposures, fill in flash, back lighting and multiple exposures for that all dramatic sky. 

The session will take place in Derbyshire and will close with a return to Wilmslow for a glass of wine and a review of the images taken throughout the course of the day

(Good basic understanding of your camera required, plus a tripod and good walking boots.  (Not suitable for anyone with walking difficulties))

 Places on all courses are limited, so please book now on 01625 531271, by text to 07939 337476 or e-mail
